Centos 7 Installation in GUI

1. Anaconda Installer

We use Anaconda installer for RHEL installation. Anaconda, is different from other operating system installation programs due to its parallel nature. Most installers follow a fixed path: you must choose your language first, then you configure network, then installation type, then partitioning, and so on. There is only one way for installation.
In Anaconda you are only required to select your language and locale first, and then you are presented with a central screen, where you can configure most aspects of the installation in any order you like. When installing from a network location, you must configure the network before you can select which packages to install.
You can press Shift+Print Screen at any time during the graphical installation to capture the current screen. These screenshots are saved to /tmp/anaconda-screenshots/. 

2.Welcome Screen and Language Selection

3. The Installation Summary Screen

In the above screen we have to configure Date & Time, Software Selection, Installation Destination, KDUMP and Security Policy.  If we required, can change Language Support and Keyboard Layout selected in 2nd step.

4. Date & Time

5. Software Selection

6. Installation Destination

6.1 Create Partition for Legacy installation, Hard-disk < 2TB

We have created "swap" and "/" partition. Hard-disk format type is MS-DOS.
6.2 Create Partition for Legacy installation, Hard-disk > 2TB

Here we created a another partition Bios-Boot. If we have Hard-Disk space greater then 2 TB then we must create partition Bios-Boot. Because BIOS-Boot partition contains the second stage boot loader program, Ex- GRUB 2; the first stage is the code that is contained within the Master Boot Record (MBR). Complex boot loaders such as GRUB 2 cannot fit entirely within the confines of the MBR's 446 bytes of space, thus they need an ancillary storage space. On MBR disks, such boot loaders typically use the sectors immediately following the MBR for this storage; that space is usually known as the "MBR gap". No equivalent unused space exists on GPT disks, and the BIOS-Boot partition is a way to officially allocate such space for use by the boot loader.

6.3 Create Partition for UEFI installation

For UEFI installation we created 3 partition "/" , "swap" and "/boot/efi". For /boot/efi recommended partition size is 200 MB. The Hard-Disk partition type is GPT. 

7. Security Policy

8. Disable KDUMP

9. Set Root Password

After Begin Installation set the root password. If you are using a weak password then click the "Done" twice. And make a user for login.

Thats it. After reboot login with user.

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