Join Centos-7 with Window AD Server


1. Working window AD Server

2. Client Machine with Centos 7 Installed.


1. yum install system-config-date ntp authconfig-gtk authconfig samba*

2. Synchronize the client machine time with AD server..

 # systemctl start ntpd
 # systemctl enable ntpd
 # system-config-date
# ntpdate jiit128-dc
# vi /etc/ntp.conf
   server your server ip-address/hostname

3. # authconfig-gtk

 # systemctl restart winbind
 # systemctl enable winbind
 # wbinfo -u          \\ if you have successfully joined the domain, then it will show you AD-users list.

4. # reboot

And now login with your domain user-name.....

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