NS-2.35 Installation on CentOS-7


1. System OS : CentOS 7 updated


1. Download NS-ALLINONE 2.35 from the below link.


2. [root@TEST /]#  yum groupinstall "Development Tools"
    [root@TEST /]#  yum install gcc* x11* tcl* libx11* gawk tar gzip make patch perl libX11-devel libXmu-devel gcc-c++ autoconf* libXt-devel 

3. [root@TEST /]#  cd /opt
    [root@TEST opt]#  tar zxvf ns-allinone-2.35.tar.gz
    [root@TEST opt]# cd ns-allinone-2.35
    [root@TEST ns-allinone-2.35]# vi ns-2.35/linkstate/ls.h
// At line number 137 replace "erase" with "this->erase" //

4.   [root@TEST ns-allinone-2.35]# vi otcl-1.14/Makefile.in
Write gcc in front of CC

5. Installation
      [root@TEST ns-allinone-2.35]# ./install 
After successfull installation it look likes following:

6. Write the above paths in /etc/profile. Commands path written in /etc/profile can be executed by every-user who will logs in on this system. For a specific user write the above paths in user  ~/.bashrc file.

    [root@TEST ns-allinone-2.35]# vi /etc/profile

7. To check the validation of ns2 installation run the below command,,,,,
       [root@TEST ns-allinone-2.35]# cd ns-2.35
       [root@TEST ns-2.35]# ./validate
This takes more then 20 minutes to check the tests output. After completion it will show you some tests failed. If you not required these processes in your simulation then you do not have to worry. Because these tests failed cause of library dependencies not installed. If you require a failed test then you have to install the required library for that test/process.

8. Now run ns2
      [root@TEST /]#ns

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