Make Centos-7 Dual Boot with Windows

One machine installed with Windows 7/8 and Centos 7

1. Boot in Centos 7
2. connect with internet and install epel and ntfs packages
      #yum install epel* 
      #yum install ntfs*
     #vi /etc/grub.d/40_custom

4. Write the following line in the above file and then save and exit with "esc + :wq".  
   menuentry "Windows 7" { set root'(hd0,1)' chainloader +1 }
5.grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg
6. init 6       //Now you will see Windows 7 option also in boot menu. 
    For Windows 8 use 8 place of 7.

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