Network Configuration

                  Setting Up Hostname and Name Resolution
Hostname is the name of the system used to communicate with other systems. A fully qualified domain name consists "" . 
              Ex: OR

You can configure hostname in three ways.
    i. nmtui and select Change Hostname
   ii. hostnamectl set-hostname NAME
  iii. edit file /etc/hosts

 i. NMTUI :

Follow the below images.





After system reboot it will show the same hostname at [root@prod singh] in terminal.

 ii. hostnamectl    
  It will show you hostname with system architecture and Virtualization.                                                        
    [root@TEST Desktop]# hostnamectl status   OR hostnamectl
   Static hostname: TEST.iitr.pdc
             Icon name: computer-desktop
                   Chassis: desktop
           Machine ID: 8c1a8077b3f78bd3bf956a214f3c602c
                  Boot ID: 831406fb20c34cceaf988188e2e180ab
       Virtualization: kvm
Operating System: Oracle Linux Server 7.3
      CPE OS Name: cpe:/o:oracle:linux:7:3:server
                    Kernel: Linux 4.1.12-514.26.2.el7uek.x86_64
         Architecture: x86-64
  [root@TEST Desktop]# hostnamectl set-hostname
  [root@TEST Desktop]# hostname
  [root@TEST Desktop]#

 iii. /etc/hosts: To configure hostname edit /etc/hosts file with the following settings...
    [root@test2 Desktop]# vi /etc/hosts

If you have not a DNS server for local name resolution then do the entry in this file. It also works for name resolution of other systems.These are the options to change/set hostname. After hostname change must logout or reboot the system.

                                  Network Configuration
For network configuration same as above we have 3 options.
    i. nmtui
    ii. nmcli
   iii. edit /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0

 i. nmtui: 
   [root@TEST Desktop]: nmtui




 ii. nmcli: This is the command line tool.And it looks good, if you remember the commands.

In the above image i have created two connection static and dhcp with nmcli command. To check the connections...
    [root@TEST Desktop]: nmcli con show
    NAME     UUID                                     TYPE             DEVICE
    eth0     3b2a6a84-ea82-45d1-a173-6674e770c096     802-3-ethernet   eno16777736

   [root@TEST Desktop]: nmcli con up “static”   // To start the static connection //

iii. /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0: This is the best way to configure ip address  with CLI.
   [root@TEST Desktop]: vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
          # Generated by dracut initrd
            NAME="eth0"                                                  // Coonection Name. //
            DEVICE="eth0"                                // Device name used for connection. //
            ONBOOT=yes                               // Start connection during system boot. //
            UUID="caf645dc-68bb-4107-9bf1-ee5fb4f4f495"                     // Network UUID. //
            HWADDR=74:27:ea:a9:27:07                            // Network Card MAC address. //
            BOOTPROTO=none                                  // Boot Protocol DHCP or STATIC. //
            DNS1=                                                // DNS address. //
            DNS2=                                              // Second DNS address. //
            IPADDR=                                  // IP address for System. //
            PREFIX=22                                          // Subnet Mask for IP address.//
            GATEWAY=                            // Gateway address for Network. // 

        [root@TEST Desktop]: systemctl restart network
 These are the options to configure hostname and network address in Centos 7.

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